Cutting the grass doesn't have to be a job...
 ...enjoy the ride on a Dixon Mower.

Dixon introduced the world to the Zero Turning Radius concept in 1974, revolutionizing the way residential and professional landscapers cut grass. And, we didn't stop there. We have spent the last 39 years listening to and anticipating the needs of our customers. The mowers we build today represent the kind of product innovation, manufacturing quality and proven mowing performance that only three decades of experience can produce. There is a Dixon mower to fit every application and make quick work of even the toughest job.

The first three Dixon models produced in 1974 were the deluxe ZTR-1 with it's gleaming white body and classic black trim and ZTR-2 and ZTR-3, both in a deep, rich blue with white markings.

Copyright © 2025 Dixon Australia | Last updated 11/10/2012
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